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With two more weeks week of walking, the end is in sight! and, at last, we reach the border of South Sudan and Uganda. We must keep focused on our route even though I would like to divert to Bidi Bidi where Wheels for the World have had two wheelchair distributions, the last one being virtual.

“The vast majority of refugees are women and children, with over a quarter of a million people ending up at the Bidi Bidi refugee settlement, the world's largest, near the town of Yumbe in northern Uganda.”

Gulu, a town located in north western Uganda, situated about 175 miles (285 km) north of Kampala at an elevation of about 3,600 feet (1,100 metres). It is the marketing centre of the main agricultural region of northern Uganda; cotton, tea, coffee, corn (maize), sorghum, and tobacco are grown in the surrounding area. Processing industries in Gulu include those that handle oilseed and grain milling. Cigarettes are also manufactured in the town. Gulu has a large number of refugee camps where Sudanese, Rwandese, and Congolese refugees, who entered Uganda beginning in the early 1960s, are permanently settled. The town is linked by road with Lira, Soroti, and Pakwach and has an airport as well. Pop. (2008 est.) 141,500.”

News from KCF Team Kumi

The rains have arrived but are too late to save the first crop of the season. This puts the present crisis into stark reality for me as I have lost my rice investment but I will not suffer hunger as others will.

Harriet says: “We are fine and the rains are too late for the crops. The people have not harvested anything for the first seasons. We hope we will receive a fair harvest in the second one that is if it rains well. Otherwise, famine will be in most families.”

Ruth says: “Family thanks for your support towards Patrick, now he be able to sleep better and keep the goats for his future” Patrick has received a mattress, bed sheets and two goats. Although brain-damaged, he writes well with his toes. Watch on the attached movie clip his dexterity in writing and turning the page. Could he be admitted to school?

Ruth also says: “The door is too low to bring Grace out, the carpenter is going to work on it and make it easier for her to be brought out” Grace cannot sit so she can only lean on a tree trunk when not lying down. She has a new mattress from KCF which surely allows her to sleep better. We hope that WFTW will be able to provide her with an appropriate wheelchair.


If you have sponsorship money to pay in, here are some options:

1. To donate using PayPal click on this link

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If you are a UK tax payer please tick the gift aid box to ensure the charity receives a further 25% on top of your donation with no extra cost to you. You will need to scroll to the bottom of the page to do this

3. If you wish to pay by cheque, please contact for a postal address.

for banking details to use internet banking.

Please request a Gift Aid form if you are eligible to claim Gift Aid as we receive a further 25% at no cost to you.

We thank you sincerely for your support over the past weeks and even months and we hope you are feeling healthier for the exercise. We shall continue till our road map is finally coloured red and then we will all have earned a break knowing that we have helped those less fortunate than we are.


3. If you wish to pay by cheque, please contact for a postal address.

for banking details to use internet banking.

Please request a Gift Aid form if you are eligible to claim Gift Aid as we receive a further 25% at no cost to you.

We thank you sincerely for your support over the past weeks and even months and we hope you are feeling healthier for the exercise. We shall continue till our road map is finally coloured red and then we will all have earned a break knowing that we have helped those less fortunate than we are.



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