KCF is working hard in spite of few Facebook updates which doesn't mean we are taking it easy. Ruth is identifying children with Gluteal Fibrosis for the Dutch Orthopaedic surgeon who arrives next week. We are hopeful of Interplast UK visiting in October for those in need of plastic surgery. Too many of our UK KCF team want to go in October so we are having to limit our numbers and send a reduced team more often.
Back home, preparations for our dinner to celebrate twenty years of KCF on 7 October are falling into place with a steady demand for tickets while we request auction prizes and plan for the fashion show which looks promising with hopefully a couple of surprise models.
One of our sponsors has offered to pay the air fare for Harriet, our team leader in Kumi, to attend and so we await to see if the authorities grant her a Visa to allow her to enter UK.
Here are but a few of the photos from the last month.

A baby with a cleft palate will have the opportunity of surgery in October when the Interplast UK team are visiting

Among Esther one of our long term children. Spina Bifida has caused severe infection of both feet
