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What has been happening since we finished our walk which raised over £7,000.00 to fund forty Gluteal Fibrosis surgeries for the children whose parents would not otherwise have been able to settle the hospital bills?

The big news is that the Wheels for the World container with one hundred and fifty wheelchairs, the same amount of mobility aids and twenty refurbished sewing machines are on the high seas at present en route to Kumi. I plan to go out in February, a week before the WFTW team arrives for the distribution.

Whilst on outreach visits, our team found nine year old Ogwanga Yesupa whose eyes were streaming and he was in so much pain. Sadly, the eye department in Kumi Hospital is no longer functioning so Harriet took him to the Benedictine Eye Hospital in Tororo where he was diagnosed with glaucoma and underwent a trabeculectomy. He was reviewed on 30 October and, although he has little sight, he now has no pain. If only he had been diagnosed sooner!

“Trabeculectomy is a surgical procedure used in the treatment of glaucoma to relieve intraocular pressure by removing part of the eye's trabecular meshwork and adjacent structures. It is the most common glaucoma surgery performed and allows drainage of aqueous humor from within the eye to underneath the conjunctiva where it is absorbed.”

Abinyo Josephine, our teenage amputee, returned to her tailoring school with her requirements with fees and expenses paid for by KCF.

Among Martha, our spina bifida five year old whose toes had “dropped off” due to infection, underwent treatment and surgery for her severe foot ulcers and has now had special boots fabricated and a wooden walker made in Kumi Hospital Orthpaedic Workshop.

The mother of Akol Christine, a cerebral palsy girl of five years, is homeless and without hope of providing a home for her child. KCF’s builder, Alex, is preparing a budget for a modest iron sheeted permanent house which will long outlast a mud hut.

My dear friend for twenty years, Malongo Margaret, sadly died in Kumi Hospital where she had lived for decades in a shed. I shall miss her dearly.

Floods followed the drought and hopefully there is time to rescue some of my rice crop so that I can have a decent return on my investment!

COVID continues to affect the people of Teso more so than many areas of Uganda. KCF funded equipment to help with the COVID patients.

Last but not least, fund raising continues and, on the build up to Christmas, we raise funds by selling Gift Cards and this year we have added “I bought you a Christmas Dinner” to our collection. Aby, a huge supporter of KCF, held a Craft Sale and raised £650.00 for KCF funds! Thank you, Aby!


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