Warmest greetings to our followers for 2023 and a huge thank you for your generosity over the past 12 months!
It’s time for a long overdue update and it’s not for want of news material!
Our news goes back to October when we celebrated 20 years since my first Kumi visit with a fund-raising evening which raised over £5,000.00. Two days later, four Trustees left for Uganda and spent two weeks working with the local team, Harriet, Ruth, Antony (the hospital physio) to name but a few. The time flew and we were back home continuing with our sale of Gift Cards for Christmas Dinners, goats, wheelchairs etc, In Kumi, the team distributed food parcels to those most in need and so we have continued our activities throughout the year. Our photos will demonstrate better than words our achievements.
In a couple of weeks, The Interplast UK team go out to provide free surgeries for children with cleft palates, burn contractures and the like and then two KCF Trustees will follow in March.
